Application for Participation

Applications for Conference participation shall be sent to the AAE by post, fax or via the e-mail.

The report continuance shall be 15-20 min., the continuance of messages and information 7-10 min.

The technical equipment is the following: a computer projector, wide-screen displays and a professional sound.

There is a possibility of independent management of the provided presentation.

Conference materials will be published in press including “AAE Magazine”.

Reports, which texts will be provided to the Organization Committee beforehand, will be included into the final conference program.

Registration Fee (payment for the participation)

The costs of the conference and the publication of its materials are covered by annual contributions of the collective members of the AAE for 2016. Organizations that are not members of the AAE transfer to the Association account a special contribution to support its statutory activities in the amount of 3000 rubles per participant. In the payment order it is necessary to indicate: "The specified contribution to the AAE conference. Is not subject to VAT".

Bank details of the AAE:

Payee’s bank: PJSC MInBank, Moscow, BIC 044525600,

settlement account 30101810300000000600.

Payee: “Association of Automotive Engineers” in MRG Branch of PJSC “MInBank” Branch, Dmitrov Branch,

settlement account 40703810500370000109,

TIN/TRRC 5007004194/500701001,

OKONH 98400,

OKPO 18193650

AAE Executive committee address:

The Association of Automotive Engineers, NICIAMT FSUE “NAMI”, Avtopoligon, Dmitrov district, Moscow region, 141830.

The President

Denis Zagarin, candidate of science
phone: +7 (495) 994-9916;

Executive director

Dmitry Garonin
phone: +7 (915) 433-33-04

Executive Secretary

Yury Galevko
phone: + 7(495) 994-9922, add. 109
